I am a senior at Animas High School, a project-based public charter school in Durango, Colorado. I came to Animas my freshmen year when I was searching for a new learning experience that wasn't just about taking tests and memorizing formulas. I found that it was a perfect fit. From the moment I met the teachers, I knew that I would have mentors for life, and they have helped me grow as a person and as a student. Through learning content and creating projects, I have grown into a leadership role among my peers and hope to continue growing through the rest of my high school career. I have found that my interests lie in law, politics, and writing, and I hope to gain experience working into a career with these interests through internship oppurtunities this year.
I'm currently the co-Editor-in-Chief of the Animas Quill, a student ambassador, and a competitive rock climber. |